Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Trunk Call

Protected areas are importat for survival of wildlife species such as the elephants. Photo: Sanjay Gubbi

India has the distinction of harbouring the largest Asian elephant population anywhere in the world. With an estimated population of 26,000 elephants, it amounts to 50 percent of the world’s population. These mega herbivores survive over a geographical area of about 110,000 sq km in the country. Of this about 65,000 sq km is declared as 32 Elephant Reserves (ER) spread across several Protected Areas (PAs), Reserved Forests and private lands. Securing this landscape in pursuit of saving this flagship species is a challenging and daunting task. This is particularly taxing in a country which is seeing an ever expanding economy and over a billion people competing for space, some of it with elephants.

The increased human-elephant conflict that has taken casualties on both sides along with loss of thousands of hectares of cropland has brought the issue to limelight. Hence an Elephant Task Force (ETF) was set up by the central Government to suggest long-term conservation priorities for elephant conservation.

Interestingly the task force was headed by a wildlife historian and political analyst which is an indication of the issue with elephant conservation that encompasses the broader social milieu. The report developed based on country wide consultations with a wide array of people including people affected by elephants, elected representatives, officials of forest departments, wildlife biologists, conservation and welfare activists, mahouts, veterinarians, temple committees and elephant owners striving for a democratic process. It is commendable that the report was made accessible to public by uploading it on the ministry's website (http://moef.nic.in/downloads/public-information/ETF_REPORT_FINAL.pdf).

The ETF has given important, practically implementable recommendations addressing the most burning issues of elephant conservation. Atypical of any Government appointed committees, the report is critical about the lack of focus and attention at the highest level of the Government and calls for an administrative overhaul. ETF comments that though Project Elephant was set up in 1992 it has been “unable to take up leadership on elephant conservation”. To bring teeth to Project Elephant ETF suggests setting up of the National Elephant Conservation Authority (NECA), a statutory body, with a proposed budget of 600 crore under the 12th five year plan. In a progressive idea, ETF recommends recruitment of non-governmental personnel with requisite skills to be appointed in the NECA.

To improve governance in management, Reserve Level Management Advisory Committees comprising of elected representatives, conservationists and others which should hold public hearings are to be setup. Independent evaluation of the ERs with performance indicators are recommended to bring in transparency.

Revamping research methods

Elephants need standardised peer-reviewed protocols for population estimations. Hence the report calls for a critical evaluation of the current population estimation methods on scientific grounds. Due to vastness of elephant habitat in the country, ETF suggests a combination of methods for non-PAs and more intensive surveys for select sites to get robust density estimations. Other scientific measures suggested include development of national elephant mortality database, elephant reserve research stations and fellowships to students to encourage research on multiple dimensions of elephant conservation.

Defragmenting elephant habitats

In the country elephant habitats are being fragmented at a monstrous scale. Hence the report has suggested PAs to be expanded to include critical habitats and corridors or else be declared as Community or Conservation Reserves. Taking note of flawed Environmental Impact Assessments used for diverting elephant habitats for developmental projects, a new approach termed as Elephant Specific Environmental Impact Assessment is suggested for permitting projects in ERs.

Conservation organisations have already identified critical elephant corridors in the country. Ranking these corridors, a 200 crore budget for habitat securement is proposed under NECA. The report also calls for rationalisation of ER boundaries based on ecological principles rather than the current ad-hoc boundaries.

Human-Elephant Conflict

In India annually over 400 people lose their lives to elephants and at least 500,000 farmers are affected through crop depredation. Apart from humanitarian reasons this needs to be addressed as it affects elephants through vengeance killing, loss of elephant habitats due to retaliatory forest fires set by people and other threats to elephant conservation. Importantly it increases hostility of local people against wildlife conservation in general. Hence the task force has called for an integrated approach to defuse tension and more accountability in the way mitigation measures such as electric fences and elephant proof trenches are managed.

The committee has suggested setting up of local Conflict Management Task Forces involving local elected representatives, media and farmers which would hold a minimum of two taluka level hearings annually to address conflict issues.

Reducing human-elephant conflict is key for enhancing public support for elephant conservation. Photo: P.M.Muthanna

Captive elephants

India has a long cultural history of captive elephants. Currently with about 3,500 elephants under ownership of various individuals and organisations ETF has recommended for moratorium on sale of elephant to temples and phasing out of captive elephants in the future apart from other welfare measures.


Overall the ETF has shown a strong will to democratise the way elephant conservation needs to go ahead and also how Government appointed committees can perform. Lastly, the task force projects a positive picture that “India can secure the future of elephants and its forest home”. This is unlike several other reports which projects only gloomy picture. Hope the recommendations of ETF are implemented by the Government in true spirit.

The elephant task force has projected a positive future for the elephants in the country. Photo:Sanjay Gubbi

An edited version of this article appeared in the Deccan Herald on 21-09-2010

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